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Empowering Milena to become a leader


In the male-dominated Kogi society, women often have inferior roles within the tribe's social hierarchy. From an early age, women are denied access to equal education, instead being trained to become good mothers who can cook, knit, and take care of their babies. They are often married off by adolescence, further limiting their opportunities in life.

At CFC-Youth, while respecting Kogi traditions, we want to provide women with the opportunities to pursue a more meaningful life outside of just being mothers and caretakers. We want to empower Kogi women to believe in themselves and their abilities by continuing their education and preparation for new jobs within their communities.

As a part of this project, we are working with Milena, a motivated and hard-working Kogi woman who wants to take on a more administrative role within her community. We want to empower Milena to continue her education and become a leader and difference-maker within her community. To aid Milena, we are leading a fundraiser to help finance her education, and we're also promoting her arts and crafts enterprise to support her self-sufficiency. Please consider donating!

What is the role of women in Kogi society?

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